welcome to

Spirit Gaea Foundation

Good Morning world my name is Jeri Lee and I am a little old fashion country lady that lives in the back woods of Missouri.  I was born in northern Maine, the second  of six siblings and grew up with a classic education in Christianity.  From a very young age I was a gluten for knowledge so by age 10 I had worn out my little white bible and had volumes of unanswered questions. 

The voices in my head told me one thing and the religious authorities  told me something different.  The religious rules never changed and were extremely simple.  “God said so, and I had no authority to challenge all the lies I was told to cover up their guilt fears prejudice and doubts that I was offered as TRUTH.

So as an overzealous teenager, cloaked in curiosity, overflowing with inner knowing and an old Chevy I set out to battle the Gods of antiquity.  I headed south toward Bob Jones Christian University in Greenville, South Carolina.  

The Devil made me stop in Htfd Conn to get a job at the Hartford Courant, so I attended Htfd Art instead.  Since then I have spent most of my life trying to make an impression on the population of this planet by exposing all the lies you live by. 

My passions and need to know have lead me into ancient history, archeology, anthropology, mythology, comparative religions and the study of self.  To know more about me go to

You might argue with me saying, “since I was born in 1939 so probably only have 4 to 5 years left on this planet , why should I care?  Well I have a past filled with my ancestors and a future in my kids, grand kids and great-grand-kids.  I care about them and their kids and grand-kids.    Soooo I choose to be an ancestor.

This planet has walked through the shadow of death many times.  At this time in our present evolution we are  unconsciously programming global  destiny to repeat itself.   This is fact because 99% of you believe all the lies and half truths you have been controlled with in your lifetime.  

So while you still have a choice, Respect Mother Nature, read the scars on her surface and understand  her night sky.  Find your Christ consciousness that dwells within  and don’t become a dinosaur or a trilobite.